Remodeling while you live in the house or apartment is not accessible due to the dirt that will be generated and the noise. This will not only affect your peace of mind, but it can also cause damage to your belongings. An important option to protect them is storing them in small warehouses while the construction work is finished so they are not in danger. Therefore, it is ideal that you cover them with blankets or bubble wrap so that they do not get scratched while moving. 

Choose the new design

This is a step that depends on what you want. You can choose to follow the decoration trends for the current year or make the changes you wish to without paying attention to what the directions say; it’s your decision! Your home should be a harmonious and pleasant space where you can rest and live the best moments.

Many remodeling guides tell you should have a modern and fashionable home, but adapting it to your tastes and preferences will be ideal. 

 Define priorities and goals

Organize your ideas and determine in what order you will remodel the spaces; this is to organize the logistics of things, whether you will store them in a place specialized in furniture storage or leave them in your home. The essential thing is that the kitchen remodeling is done first. This can last between five weeks and two months, depending on the dimensions of the space and work demands. Then the bathrooms can follow and, finally, the bedrooms and the rest of the house.

Review the legal aspects 

Reviewing plans, standards, and current legislation will let you know if the spaces you dream of can materialize. Knowing this will help you understand what you can collapse and cannot and how you can organize your spaces without violating the rules or causing accidents or material damage to pipes, wiring, columns or beams.

Store your things in a safe place

To prevent your things from being ruined or suffering any type of damage, it is best to store them in a safe place away from the chaos of the remodel, such as a mini storage room. We offer you the warehouse rental service to store all your belongings for as long as possible. It doesn’t matter if your remodelling lasts just a few days, a few weeks or several months; with us, you won’t have to worry about time since we don’t have permanence clauses.

Additionally, in our storage warehouses, you can count on 24-hour monitoring, logistical support and complementary merchandise transportation and packaging services to ensure the integrity of your items.

Do a big cleanup after remodeling your home.

Now that your transformation is complete, you can take advantage of the obligatory cleaning task after the remodel to thoroughly clean your entire home and receive the best energy from the renovation you carried out.

When should you remodel your home?

The answer to this question depends on the primary requirement you want to solve since remodeling the home at a structural level is not the same as making a change focused on aesthetics. Between these two aspects, the one you should privilege is the one that affects a system vital for the correct functioning of the property. For example, a disturbance in electrical current could cause damage to appliances or even a fatal accident. In cases like this, it is better to think of the changes in your home as an investment that will avoid putting your family at risk; if your budget allows it, you can add more sectors to change your house little by little.

In this sense, you must identify if it has leaks or worrying alterations or if, on the contrary, the incorporation of devices with more modern technical specifications would allow you to save costs on your public services. Also, remember that if, for example, you find the new apartment to buy that you always dreamed of, it is unnecessary to carry out work at the structural level. Still, you can opt for other renovations that increase the harmony and well-being of your home from more decorative aspects.